Friday, October 5, 2012


QR Codes (also known as Quick Response Codes) are two dimensional codes composed of square dots. QR Codes may contain text, links (to websites, videos or files), email addresses, phone numbers, vcards that automatically update your contacts on your PC or a mobile phone, and more.

You can find them on ads, banners, all kinds of product boxes, websites, business cards and even in email signatures. QR Codes can be scanned from mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android or Blackberry equipped with additional software for scanning QR Codes. Enough story!
QR Code Desktop Reader is a free tool that will let you quickly scan any QR Code from your screen – be it a part of the website, email, banner or a document. Your standard mouse cursor will change into a cross to help you make a selection on your screen. Simply select an area with a QR Code and the program will automatically scan it.
To download QR Code Desktop Reader, click the button below:

Saka Oluwadamilola
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